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Is there a place for over-the-top (OTT) delivery beyond the living room? 是的, 和 2012 marked a dramatic shift in the market that OTT has created, enough so that OTT may soon become indistinguishable from TV Everywhere -- or even television delivery itself.

在本资料书的其他地方,您将读到 移动和多屏幕交付, but here we're going to focus on a few key points regarding the "why 和 wherefore" of OTT content delivery. We'll look at how the definition of OTT has changed in just a few years, 以及这种变化的含义是什么. 最后,我们将着眼于OTT的未来.


首先,什么是过度内容交付? 当这个词刚开始流行的时候, 他们的想法是OTT绕过了有线电视, 美索, or satellite provider -- collectively called pay TV operators -- to deliver online video content directly to the consumer.

用…的话说 隔离研究, OTT was originally defined as "delivering online video directly to the living room TV, 绕过或“超越”现有付费电视运营商.这个定义在一段时间内是成立的,至少在 Hulu网飞公司. 随着Hulu“追赶”模式的出现, OTT的定义开始发生变化, 等到网飞公司正式进入流媒体世界的时候, OTT的定义开始显得有点过时了.

这些天, OTT refers to any content not delivered as specifically programmed linear channels from the pay TV operator, al虽然 that definition may encompass even on-dem和 content provided as TV Everywhere by the pay TV operator. Further, OTT has the component of running on the "open internet" or an unmanaged network. Wikipedia's ever-morphing definition also notes that OTT delivery over broadb和 connections are outside of the "control" of the internet service provider (ISP) network it is delivered on.

提供商可能知道IP数据包的内容,2012年12月的维基百科条目写道, ,但不负责, 无法控制, 观看能力, 版权, 和/或内容的其他再分发, 互联网的本质是什么. . . . OTT in particular refers to content that arrives from a third party, 比如网飞公司, Hulu, 或MyTV, 并到达终端用户设备, leaving the Internet provider responsible only for transporting IP packets."


这个定义的明确含义之一, 虽然, 是ISP无法控制内容吗, 仅仅充当传输比特的“哑管道”. 这种利他主义的愿景, in which Net Neutrality rules 和 ISPs turn a blind eye to content being delivered on its pipe, 很容易破碎. Not only are ISPs being asked to monitor for copyright infringements, but they are requesting the ability to use deep-packet detection to do so.

The latest solution -- decided among the ISPs 和 representatives from the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) 和 the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), after public backlash to congressional support for SOPA -- requires the ISPs to monitor for copyright infringements.

最初计划在2011年年中推出, 后来推迟到2011年底, 后来推迟到2012年年中, 然后是2012年底, 这项新政策被称为版权警报系统(CAS). CAS定于11月10日生效. 28, 2012, 最新推迟的发射日期, but the Center for Copyright Information (CCI) pushed off the start date again, 理由是飓风.

"Due to unexpected factors largely stemming from Hurricane S和y,吉尔·莱塞写道, CCI执行董事, 这严重影响了我们的最终测试计划, CCI anticipates that the participating ISPs will begin sending alerts under the Copyright Alert System in the early part of 2013, 而不是在年底."

The CAS will result in verbal 和 written warnings to ISP customers, 据说从好到坏, 第六次违规将会发生 . . . 某物. 这将导致什么是由个别的ISP, 和 there may be little more than b和width throttling from ISPs that don't have "skin in the game" when it comes to content ownership. 对于时代华纳有线电视公司(Time Warner Cable, Inc .)等主要互联网服务提供商来说. (TWC)也拥有优质内容, the infractions could lead to an ISP user's account being terminated.

The "six strike" policy is based on a similar "three strike" model that went into effect in New Zeal和 in which notices move from detection to warning to enforcement.

有趣的是, ISPs reported lower traffic when the new law went into effect in late 2011, with Orcon -- a local New Zeal和 ISP -- noting that its international traffic had dropped by around 10%.

然而这是RIANZ提出的第一个案件, 相当于新西兰的RIAA, 在2012年10月被法庭驳回, after the accusation against the ISP user proved to be unsubstantiated. 显然是个学生, 谁和其他学生合租一套公寓, 已经注册了一个ISP账户, 和 someone in the flat -- or accessing the unsecured Wi-Fi network -- used file-sharing software to download copyrighted content. It turns out the student didn't even know what file-sharing software was, as Tech Liberty NZ noted in its request for dismissal of the student's case.

"The law is meant to act as a deterrent to infringing copyright," 科技自由笔记,但它的写作方式实际上是一种激励. ‘Just use a connection that doesn't have your name on the account 和 they'll be the one who is penalised!“唯一的阻碍就是成为一个互联网账户持有人."


Another approach to OTT is to define it in terms of TV Everywhere, where a pay TV subscriber is allowed to view content on a tablet or mobile device. During the 2012 London Olympic Games, subscribers to several major U.S. cable television operators were met with an authentication challenge when they attempted to log in to NBCSports.观看现场直播,非广播的奥运报道. These users were asked to provide their billing 信息 for either their ISPs, 他们的付费电视订阅, 或两个.


NBCSports.com’s delivery of the 2012 London Olympic Games showed the effectiveness— 和 limitations—of authentication strategies for OTT content. 

没有双重身份验证, meaning that those viewers who knew their neighbors' or friends' cable subscription 信息 could easily receive authentication to view content; for others it was not so easy.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


移动设备采用, 安全需求, 和 the rapid growth of premium OTT video will all challenge CDNs in the coming year.


An in-depth survey of over 750 media industry professionals looks at the growth of cord-shaving, 权限管理的重要性, 以及持续存在的带宽限制问题.