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旧金山——“当我还是个孩子的时候, the bus would drop me off at 3:15 and I would race home to see the end of 速度赛车," said Hulu CEO Jason Kilar today at the NewTeeVee Live conference in San Francisco. "It was maddening that, no matter how fast I ran, I would miss the beginning. 对我来说,改变看电视的方式是个人的事情."

“每当你谈到Hulu和电视的未来,基拉尔说。, 在一次名为“论信念”的主题演讲中, 是固执的, 以及对更好方式的不懈追求.“我回到了我们团队的激情。. 我经常被问到“电视的未来会是什么样子??我的观点是, 还有我的团队, is that consumers will indeed get to a TV everywhere model of watching what you want, 当你想要, and that premium content will be delivered primarily over the internet."

"Our ambition is to be on any and all internet-connected devices on the planet,基拉尔说。, "but the economics have to work for both content owners and consumers. 所以这根本不是一个技术问题,而是一个经济模式. We think we're ahead of the numbers-which I won't be sharing today-with Hulu Plus, and that's our goal in how to get on to internet-connected devices."

在广告方面, Kilar pointed out that we've all faced the issue of seeing non-relevant content from advertisers who take a scattershot approach.

"We're moving beyond panel data-the type of research done by Nielsen-that shows the index of female to male viewers,基拉尔说。. “现在我们来看看你的历史, 不管你是否注册了, and we think we can get to within 1% assurance of whether you're male or female, 而尼尔森典型的35-40%的广告模式. 为广告客户, we think they'll be able-over time-to eliminate the waste they've paid for over the past sixty years and will be able to have a targeted discussion with discrete consumers."

Kilar then spent a bit of time talking about Hulu's history and new features.

"In 2007, GigaOM做了一个沉船观察, a countdown until the day we were going to be put out of business,基拉尔说。.  "We survived, and Om invited us over to speak both last year and this year. 但我们的进展如何呢?

“我们在36个月前进行了内测, and in month zero we had ten advertising clients and two content partners,基拉尔说。. “我们没有用户,也没有收入.

"Today we have 30 million users, 800 million ad streams and 235 content partners,基拉尔说。. 在第三季度, we have 352 advertising clients and expected revenue within the 2010 calendar year will be $240 million. 这一数字高于去年的1.08亿美元.

“我们是怎么做到的? 诚实, 整个团队都疯了, we have a certain view of the world that pushes us to create a different way to deliver content,他说. “在我们完成使命的过程中, 我们立志创造一种让用户满意的服务, 广告商和内容所有者毫不掩饰地喜欢它. 我们不将就,我们很固执."

基拉尔在广告方面直言不讳, 包括品牌广告, 这是一个全球每年价值4000亿美元的产业.

“广告是电视的未来, 无论是传统电视还是基于互联网的电视,基拉尔说。.

He went on to explain that the content owner's dollar is split up into subscription, 事务, 广告服务.

“交易服务约占营收的30%, 从购买dvd和类似的东西, 订阅服务也是如此,基拉尔说。, 但广告收入占内容收入的41%. 这就引出了我们对广告的不懈追求."

当涉及到广告的数量, Kilar said that it's a balance between fewer ads and more highly targeted ads.

“放轻松,”基拉尔说,他指的是广告. “我们认为Hulu也应该这样做, 就像我们从第一天开始做的那样, so we've gone back to the early days of television for inspiration.

"阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克, in 1959, was 26 minutes long, with four minutes of advertising,基拉尔说。. “今天,带着个秀似的。 办公室在美国,这个数字翻了一番,而整个节目只有22分钟. 我们认为这是失衡的."

Kilar also mentioned the imbalance is a partial reason for the rise of the DVR: It lets you time shift but also lets you skip commercials.

Kilar then showed off a few new options for smart or interactive advertising models from within Hulu.

基拉尔说:“我们已经推出了Hulu广告定制服务. “我们提供多项选择决策点或调查, giving the option of answering a question on a topic-such as whether you use a car or are in the market for one in the next six months-or watching traditional ads."

"Theatrical marketers have told us that the ability to watch the 2.5-minute full trailer is key to viewers connecting with the movie,基拉尔说。, “所以我们提供了提前观看完整预告片的功能, and offering the value of eliminating any additional ads in the rest of the content."

但如果电视宣传广告真的很聪明呢? 基拉尔说,建议是下一轮谈判的关键.

“我们现在提供其他节目的推荐, 基于我们的算法, 那场比赛是你正在看的节目,基拉尔说。.

"We include content clips and an ability to vote on whether the recommendation is of interest to the viewer,他说. “我们看到了10%的回复率, which is almost ten times higher than the typical Internet-based response rate.

“除了, we're now offering the ability to trade out the ad we present to you with an ad you'd rather watch,基拉尔说。. 如果你不想看这个广告, 我们将为您提供三种广告中的一种, 通过下拉菜单, 而且原始广告的所有者不会为他们的广告收费."

从广告的角度来看,Hulu的效果如何? Kilar quoted from entrepreneurial and management guru Peter Drucker before revealing that 信息.

“效率就是把事情做对, 德鲁克曾经说过, 但效率就是做正确的事情,基拉尔说。. “所以我们是有效的?"

"Nielsen says that we're at 45% on brand recall," he continued, "versus 29% for broadcast prime-time. In addition, we're at 55% on message recall versus 22% on broadcast prime time. So, yes, we're very effective and we're charging higher rates for more targeted ads."

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

Hulu and Viacom Reach Agreement; Daily Show Returns

Deal brings Daily Show to free users, many more Viacom shows to Hulu Plus subscribers.


Instead, the video site looks to other ways to raise revenue, including new subscription plans.

Hulu推出Hulu Plus

A $2 per month price drop makes the service more competitive with Netflix's Watch Instantly plan.


Report shows an increase in people who stream TV content but don't pay for cable or satellite.

更新:Hulu Plus即将登陆Roku box

It's official: Hulu's paid service will soon be available to Roku owners, 但Hulu的免费服务除外.


The premium video destination could raise $2 billion, according to a New York Times report.


最后,所有的谣言和猜测都可以平息了. Hulu刚刚在其博客上宣布,从今天开始, 用户可以花9美元注册获得Hulu Plus的邀请.99元/月




YouTube announced that it will offer a select number of Sundance Film Festival entries for rental, 而Hulu似乎准备开始对某些内容收费.
星期五.1月. 《百家乐软件》,蒂姆·西格林著

Boxee vs. Hulu和. 有线电视(剧透:顾客输了)

Hulu's recent removal of its content from Boxee is a reminder that broadcast and cable networks are still afraid of losing control of their content. 但变化正在到来,旧媒体需要拥抱新媒体.